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We’ve all been there. New Year, new me. At least that’s what we say to ourselves. But did you know researchers suggest that only 9% of Americans actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions? 

This year, if you feel it’s time for a change but you want to shake things up a bit, why not make a resolution you’ll actually want to stick to. Not only will our suggestion below be a lot of fun, but it’s also a chance to boost brainpower, build unbreakable bonds with friends, and strengthen a multitude of skills. 

If you haven’t already guessed it, yes, we are suggesting for your New Year’s Resolution that you play more escape rooms.

Start your year right!

Play at The Escape Effect!

There are several reasons people tend to quit their resolutions, but embarking on an escape adventure can actually combat these commonly cited concerns. Read on to find out how you can turn a tricky task around, and get yourself set you up on the road to success!

Two players look over the clues to solve the puzzle in A Knight To Escape.

Take Focus Off The Final Goal

Overindulgence across the festival period, can be a catalyst to bring on change, but too much at once can lead to failure, and before you know it, you’ve fallen back into old habits. So when it comes to a New Year’s resolution, you want something that is easy to find the motivation for. That’s why playing escape rooms is the perfect solution. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to workout more, however you can easily lose momentum on a fitness journey when you don’t see immediate results. Take the focus off of your end goal and stay active an alternate way.

Playing an escape room can be the ideal incentive to encourage movement, and you’re bound to find yourself breaking a sweat! During your adventure, you’ll find yourself ducking and diving through doors, traversing tunnels, crouching down to crack a code on a chest, and sprinting from room to room to seek out puzzle solutions. You’ll be so distracted and engaged in the game, you won’t even notice the calories you’re burning, while searching for those all important clues.

A player presses the host button to request a hint. What is an escape room?

Say No To Setbacks

If you’re someone that tends to admit defeat when faced with one too many obstacles, you might find that even the smallest setback can trigger you to spiral, ultimately leading you to feeling like you’ve failed. While escape rooms are full of challenges, that is what actually makes them so satisfying when you solve them. You don’t need to let barriers get in your way when it comes to winning an escape room. When you play with a team of diverse players, you can combine your skills to your advantage. Your strengths could be someone else’s weaknesses, and vice versa, but together you can overcome any obstacle the escape room (and life in general) throws at you!

A player discovers Sherlock's winning formula.

Stack Small Achievable Goals 

Escape rooms are simply one task followed by another. Sure, it might seem impossible at first to acquire immortality*, but when you solve a series of small goals, it makes the overall objective so much more manageable. As you complete each challenge, it can build up to form the bigger picture, until you have finally fulfilled your quest and completed the game. 

*immortality not guaranteed.

Players solving puzzles inside At Odds With The Gods.

Join Together On Your Journey

Assembling a team of likeminded individuals will help keep you accountable and on target. Whether it’s a group of seasoned players, or newbies who want to try something different, you’re guaranteed a great time. Ok, you might have a few arguments along the way, that’s why we have our topical ‘I’m Sorry For The Things I Said In The Escape Room’ slogan tee you can buy in store or online, for those apology-worthy situations. 

These days, it’s all too easy to lose connection with friends now that everything is online and it’s so simple to shoot a text, but miss out on a real-life connection. Keeping a regularly scheduled day of fun with your nearest and dearest will not only keep your friendship in top shape, but also build an unbreakable bond. So why not make the first week of each month, your very own escape day?

Ready to put this into practice? The first step is reserving your game!


Puzzle-lovers everywhere rejoice! It’s time to reserve one of our incredible escape rooms at The Escape Effect, and start your year off right!


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